Beyond the bloodshed and bullets, in urban America, there are communities where unprecedented courage resides, extraordinary families are tested and an ongoing fight for equality can go unheard… until now.
Envision Films and Jeffrey B. Teitler, in collaboration with Saint Francis Hospital, The Hartford Police Department, The Guardian Angels, Mothers United Against Violence, WDRC’s Brad Davis, Life Star and a community on the front lines of hope and sacrafice presents: THE SWEETEST LAND – a documentary film about violence, prevention and politics – where complacency can no longer be an option.
THE SWEETEST LAND is screening in select festivals, and symposium nationwide. It recently won the Los Angeles Film Awards, received Best Documentary at the Fort Worth Indie Film Showcase and Best Documentary at the Queens World Film Festival. Additional awards include an “Excellence in Social Issues” at Docs Without Borders Film Festival and was recently featured at Yale’s Whitney Humanities Center as part of the New Haven Documentary Festival The Sweetest Land had its Manhattan premiere at the Lower East Side Film Festival
We would like to thank The Center’s for Disease Control (CDC), Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard School of Law, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, The Injury Prevention Center, The Hartford
Courant and The LEF Foundation for your assistance and engagement throughout our post production period. Sometimes a story can change everything.
With over, 30,000 FACEBOOK members, we continue to build a nationwide network of engagement.
Goto THE SWEETEST LAND for additional information

Left To Die In Urban America – A Sweetest Land & Hartford Courant Publication
For Immediate Release: It should have been an enjoyable day. I was at a basketball tournament in Hartford a few months ago and the energy was great. Some 200 people cheered, bikes were given away to community youths, and donation bins accepting clothing for families in need were filling up. That’s when the sounds […]
The Sweetest Land Collaborates with The Hartford Courant
For Immediate Release: THE SWEETEST LAND is pleased to announce an innovative collaboration with the Hartford Courant. VIEW THE SWEETEST LAND’S OUTTAKE SERIES ON THE HARTFORD COURANT Prior to THE SWEETEST LAND’s completion and release, the Hartford Courant will present exclusive cutting room footage (stories not used in the film), imagery and opinion pieces from film participants. National […]
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Endorses, THE SWEETEST LAND
For Immediate Release: Through private consultations with research-based organizations, a rough cut of THE SWEETEST LAND was presented to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center’s Injury Prevention Center. In a rare and brave statement, the Center’s Director, Gary Lapidus wrote the following: “Your Documentary brings to light some of the many issues that comprise this […]
Recent CDC Director Endorses The Sweetest Land
For Immediate Release: Dr. Linda Degutis, a national leader in injury prevention and recent Executive Director for the Center’s For Disease Control’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, formally endorses THE SWEETEST LAND. Dr. Degutis invited a private excerpt presentation to the CDC for their GRAND ROUNDS series in 2014. Thereafter, Dr. Degutis recognized the […]
Newtown Action Alliance Endorses The Sweetest Land
For Immediate Release: The Sweetest Land – Directed by Jeff TeitlerOn behalf of the cast and crew of THE SWEETEST LAND, are pleased to announce, Newtown Action Alliance, has formally voted and endorsed THE SWEETETST LAND, a documentary film. In an effort to gain partners in prevention, the film’s rough […]