News, Festival Selections and Screenings of THE SWEETEST LAND – A documentary on violence, prevention and politics, where complacency can no longer be an option – Jeff Teitler – Director
On behalf of the cast and crew of THE SWEETEST LAND, are pleased to announce, Newtown Action Alliance, has formally voted and endorsed THE SWEETETST LAND, a documentary film. In an effort to gain partners in prevention, the film’s rough cut was presented to the board of directors, who unanimously voted to endorse our message of violence prevention.
“Excerpts of your film reveals a less known and understood problem that is also of deep concern: the shameful ineffectiveness of programs intended to interrupt the cycle of violence among urban youth, and the many families that are unable to escape this daily threat. We endorse the idea of a national violence prevention strategy, which is based in evidence, quality care, equality and outcome.” NEWTOWN ACTION ALLIANCE.
Currently, the film is in post production and we hope to have more information soon.